On the eve of a holiday where gratitude is the theme, Jenna speaks with Troy Anderson, founder and International Director of Speak Up For The Poor, an organization that sponsors the education of 1,560 girls in 35 villages and urban communities in the Khulna area of western Bangladesh. These girls are predominantly Dalits, descendants of the Hindu untouchables, or very poor Muslim girls. They are among the poorest and most marginalized people in an already impoverished country and without intervention can suffer unimaginable fates.
In this episode, we discuss the founding of Speak Up, the great advocacy and activism work they've been able to accomplish over the years and Jenna shares her experience of being a long-time sponsor of students within their GEP program.
A note from Jenna:
In expanding our content to humanitarian issues and ways to help, I hope that we as movement professionals remember that we are humans first, teachers second and when we pool our resources together, we can create great impact across the world.
To sponsor a student or make a donation, visit https://www.speakupforthepoor.org/
To contact Troy directly, email him at tanderson@speakupforthepoor.org
Learn about the concept of the "Prison of Specialness" and how we can inadvertently become involved in professional situations that cause us to lose our autonomy.
In our first miniature TTFT (Tasty Teaching Food For Thought) episode, Jenna discusses the concept of Movement Affinities and how they can help you better approach your client's sessions. We'll discuss the concept and you'll receive a simple assignment to put into your client practice right away.
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Last week's episode with Ashlen Hilliard brought about lots of response fro our community as well as many feels from JZ. In this episode, we discuss the origins of resentment, how they relate to burnout and how to set boundaries that help. Also we breathe a lot with trains....because abusive power dynamics?
Listen to Episode 12 for context and be sure to connect with JZ @ coachjz@jennazaffino.com
How to connect with Cult Interventionist, Ashlen Hilliard:
Email address: ahilliard@peopleleavecults.com
The Book Of Boundaries By Melissa Urban
The title for this presentation, “MIND FIXERS: The History of Mass Therapy With its Roots in Mind Dynamics Institute, Misuse of Zen Insights, and Hyping the Positive Thinking of New Thought Religion,” covers a vast arena for specialized workshops that range from one day to several weeks. Borrowing techniques from encounter group formats, military boot camp training, and the mindfulness movements, these specialized groups operate as unregulated mass therapy businesses and are not licensed as mental health professions. The stated purpose of these “large group awareness training” is to increase self-realization and success in life. The outcomes, however, are problematic with some critics claiming that a form of “brainwashing” is taking place that emphasizes promotion of the workshops while any real-life gains are highly questionable. Some participants report psychological and social harm. The speakers will guide a discussion to address the criticisms.
- Aspects of Cult Recovery
- Biderman’s Chart of Coercion
- Checklist of Cult Characteristics
- Clinical Update on Cults
- Coming Out of the Cults
- Coping with Triggers
- Cult Deception, Dependency, and Dread
- Cult Formation
- Dysfunctional Churches (Cultic)
- Essay: Coping With Trance States
- Evaluating Your Cult Involvement
- Group (Cult, Religion) Psychological Abuse Scale
- How to Find Information on a Cult or Group
- Influence (cult)
- On Using the Term “Cult”
- Post-Cult After Effects
- Reflections on Post Cult Recovery
- Robert Jay Lifton Criteria for Thought Reform
- Singer’s Six Conditions of Mind Control
- Strong Indications that our Relationship with a Spiritual Teacher is unhealthy
- The Manipulation of Spiritual Experience: Unethical Hypnosis in Destructive Cults
- The Relational System of the Traumatizing Narcissist
- Trauma and Recovery (cult, brainwashing)
- Types of Cults
- What is a cult?
- What messages are behind today’s cults?
We're back for a Fall season with a series of Expert Chats that kicks off with James Crader! Not only is James a good friend & colleague, he also brings a breadth and depth to the movement space that I believe offers us all permission to be more ALIVE in our work. In the excerpt from the longer session, we talk about the roller coaster ride of the movement professional's career along with what it means to be truly human-centered in your teaching.
With the new format of JZ Unfiltered, you'll receive topic-based episodes from Jenna, co-hosted episodes from members of the movement teaching community, and short-form excerpts of the Expert Chats that happen in the JZ Mvt Pro Community.
Live attendance as well as full-length recorded Expert Chat episodes are available exclusively for members of the community. There are also currently over 100 guest episodes of Pilates Unfiltered to enjoy on your favorite podcast platform, free of charge.
The intention for this shift is to bring you audio & video experiences that help form connections amongst peers. The ability to invite more voices into the conversation in an organized space/virtually is an important step in expanding our professional network.
Thank you to all who have joined the community thus far and know that the doors are wide open for you, too!
Content Warning: Body Image, Disordered Eating, Aging, Body Ideals are all discussed in this episode. In addition, I share a story about a rabbit being attacked by my dog. If this content feels like it won't serve you're well being, please skip this episode.
In this episode, we discuss the concept of "role incredulity," which is defined in the following way:
Role incredulity is a form of gender bias where women are mistakenly assumed to be in a support or stereotypically female role — a secretary, assistant, or nurse — rather than a leadership or stereotypically male role, such as CEO, lawyer, or doctor. Harvard Business Review
This topic is so important in the age of GURU-ISM and especially in the fitness/wellness realm. It will challenge you to investigate some of the ways you are celebrating the masters without investigating if their actions truly align with your values.
It's definitely an episode that will stoke your progressive fire!
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TW - This episode is an emotional deep dive and covers the topics of body dismorphia, disordered eating, alcoholism, abusive teaching/coaching techniques, and infertility. If you are in a space where listening to these stories would be triggering, please skip this episode.
For those who listen, my deepest gratitude. I hope we can all learn from these shares and start the important conversations that are LONG overdue.
xx JZ
Devotions by Mary Oliver
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We're diving deep into the concept of Broken Wing Syndrome and how it applies to our client relationships, teacher training relationships and even the industry at large. This one is juicy! (and there's a little singing too)
Broken Wing Syndrome (“BWS”) refers to non-resilient individuals, and specifically to those working in a family business, where their weaknesses (broken wings) attract well-meaning support from parents and other family members, in ways that are inappropriate, and ultimately unhelpful, to the family and the business. - Family Business United
The persistent need to help those who are damaged and broken, whether they ask for help or not. Also, the undeniable attraction that those who are damaged and broke have towards you. - Imperfectly Edie Blog
This weeks GREEN🚦:
This weeks RED🚦:
The name Washer Woman - Let me hear your new ones!
In this week's episode, we talk about the condition of "Adult Disappointment" and how, when we are disappointed with a human who was supposed to be there to help us, we are allowed to feel grateful for the learning we received and also....disappointed in the ways they chose to behave. Listen in for some relateable stories, train breathing 😂 and tips to move forward.
Small Business Boss Podcast - DUPED
Mike Birbiglia's Mention of Pilates 🤦 - The mention happens at 44:15
This weeks GREEN🚦:
This weeks RED🚦:
Not Knowing Pilates History/Pilates has a branding problem - This is not what you think...
Join The Teach From The Heart FREE Affirmation Immersion
I'm diving deep into expanding the perspective surrounding the moments where we feel like we have no idea what we are doing. We'll look at this spiral moment of self-doubt, fear and critique and discuss strategies to help navigate through it.
We're also introducing a new feature for the new year - Red Lights and Green Lights. (yes - this is borrowed from the popcast - I love this show and love the concept. We're looking at it from a movement perspective)
This weeks GREEN🚦:
This weeks RED🚦:
Movement-based Memberships - listen to learn why!
Join The Teacher's Support Series